Conditions where massage must NOT be applied because it could increase the symptoms and create other problems for the client and / or Lucyna Massage Therapy.
Acute soft tissue inflammation
Strain (over-use usually muscle or tendon)
Sprain (ligament trauma)
Open wounds
Bone and joint injuries. Fractures, dislocation.
Myositis ossificans – large haematoma, small pieces of bone if massage would cause damage to tissue.
Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) – A blood clot can form in a vein and be dislodged through massage. It could pass through the system and get blocked in the pulmonary circulation / embolism (lung).
Increased risk = major surgery, varicose veins, heart disease, diabetes, contraceptive pill. Calf and hamstrings veins are often affected (discoloration in the area).
Infectious skin diseases. Bacterial, boils, pus, folliculitis (hair follicles become inflamed, it can be caused by deep massage in insufficient lubricant is not used, particularly hairy legs)
Lymphangitis – bacteria can invade lymphatic system through open wounds and then massage could spread the infection
Fungal infections – ringworm, athlete’s foot.
Contagious infections -Chicken pox, measles, herpes, warts, verruca.
COVID -19 – Government guidelines to be adhered to by both LMT and clients. Please see
Tumour and other cancers – all lumps should be palpated carefully, refer to medical if no history of musculoskeletal cause. Massage could spread development through the body. Seek medical advice for massage.
Bleeding disorder (Haemophilia) – prevents the ability of the blood to clot. Doctor advice.
Diabetes – can affect circulation, especially in the feet. Can affect nerves and reduce patient’s sensitivity. Also, the stimulating effect of massage on the circulation can have the same effect as exercise on diabetic’s blood sugar level.
Adapted from: / &
For any further information, please contact us directly.