A lot of my clients come to me especially tight in this area. Our modern lifestyle is a contributing factor. Leaning over computers and texting on our telephones will lengthen these muscles and can lead to knots and tension and potential headaches as well as compensation of other muscles, which can then in turn become overused too! Luckily regular massages will help you. The feeling of loosening these muscle fibres is amazing and it can feel like weight has been lifted from your shoulders (literally!).
The trapezius is a large diamond shaped muscle that superficially covers the neck, shoulders, and mid back region. This muscle has three areas of muscle fibres – the upper fibres, the middle fibres, and the lower fibres. Each of these areas performs their own actions. The upper trapezius muscle elevates the scapula (causing a shrugging motion of the shoulders). The middle fibres retract the scapula and the lower trapezius muscle fibres depress the scapula, drawing it inferiorly.
So the Trapezius muscle is a vital part of the shoulder girdle. Responsible for movement and rotation of the shoulders and it also helps in stabilizing the arms.
Trapizius Stretches to Try
Slowly bend the head over to the left side as though trying to touch the ear to the shoulder.
Place the left hand on the head and gently pull it down toward
the shoulder for a deeper stretch.
Hold the stretch for about 20 seconds.
Repeat on the other side.
Raise both arms above the head, in line with or just behind your ears.
Cross the arms over at the wrists
Raise your arms up towards the ceiling and imagine they are being pulled upwards
Hold for about 20 seconds
Repeat a few times. You can alternate the hands crossing in front of the other.