about me

Lucyna Massage Therapy

Hello, I am Vickie the owner and founder of ‘Lucyna Massage Therapy‘. I qualified with a Sports massage diploma from the Barnes Sports Clinic in 2019. I love walking and running and set myself regular challenges. I am also naturally inquisitive and caring, all important qualities for a massage therapist! I have a background in social and youth and community work and have found moving into the field of remedial massage to be a positive and natural career progression. I have benefited from regular massages for the past 20 years and I believe in the power of a good sports massage, both mentally and physically. I always aim to find out the source of any discomfort you may have, and will work with you, tailoring each treatment to your requirements.
I am committed to making you feel better with each treatment, so you leave feeling fantastic!

Lucyna Massage Therapy


  • Sports Massage Diploma 
  • Anatomy and Physiology
  • Health and Safety 
  • Emergency First Aid at Work
  • Pathology
  • Kinesiology Taping
  • MA Youth and Community
  • Preparing to Return to Work in a Covid-19 World
  • Risk Assessment Checklist for Returning to Work in a Covid-19 Environment