Running and the benefits of having a regular sports massage
by Vickie
I enjoy running which started with a beginner’s course and took me from 0 to 5 k in about 3 months (I couldn’t run a mile prior to this). This gave me the running bug! And I have been hooked for the last 4 years. I have completed in quite a few 5 & 10k’s (Corsham 10k being a great one!) 10k is my preferred distance for training and maintenance. This year however, I have set myself a challenge to do a half marathon! I know that legs work hard whilst you are running! And you will probably experience sore legs after a run, this is called delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS).
So how about trying a sports massage to help prevent injuries, and to keep your muscles in great condition? I have benefitted from having these and can really vouch for them. Sports massage improves circulation, which can shorten the recovery process. Also having a massage will assist in the removal of waste products that have built up in your training, assisting your muscles to recover.
Massage improves muscle flexibility by stretching the muscle, this then improves your muscle length and the range of motion you have. Sports massage can work target any tighter areas in the muscles, which should improve muscle function. All this will also help reduce the risk of injury. By improving your flexibility and range of motion, your muscles will be at less risk of strains.
Anyone taking part in any sport at any level will benefit from having a pre and/or post event massage. Having regular maintenance massages will also help to keep your muscles in tip top condition. If you run regularly, a Sports Massage roughly every 3/4 weeks should be enough to help your muscles recover and reduce the risk of injury.